Free UK water

High school physics wins

The UK is an island.  Surrounded or by sea water.  Luckily high school physics teaches us how to suck fresh water from sea or river water, the all salts and contaminants behind.

As a bonus we increase the volume of sea water at 3° C, flowing back to the equator.  To replace naturally by warm sea currents - though see water has picked up heat around the equator.

In the equator increasing the volume of cold seawater by sucking heat out in the air, is very welcome!  It is natural climate control earth.

Already naturally on earth the colt seawater from the melting polar ice, flows back to the equator at 3° C - the maximum density four seawater under pressure.  If we pressurise air it gets mad hot.

Week he loses heat to the seas, where the warm sea water will flow naturally back towards the poles.  To collect more cold!  This is have a system air conditioning.

Week in it fire up a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma, which were American friend confirmed releases a constant carbon 0 1 megawatt of heat.  We pass through a small steam turbine, and get out ½ MW of AC electrical power.

That electrical power is a 50,000 UK pounds a month.  So all paying the steam turbine a very very quickly!  Are we talking about three or four days,

In the cold regions we fire up this a plasma power unit, and get out ½ MW of carbon zero electrical power: rectified into mains AC current and voltage.

Earth and that is driving the pumps to double the pressure on the air.  Raising the temperature by 273° C.  Thermodynamic so talk to me during my master's degree 1982.  So 18th century physics!

Which gives us near unlimited carbon zero electricity that pays a fortune!  Our 30cm steam plasma will generate 1.2 million UK pounds every year.  And giving us that magic ½ MW our carbon zero electrical power.  All practically confirmed!

So we melt the ice At the north andd south poles.  At the south pole the polar air temperature during the winter four so -80° C.  And photosynthesis on land and sea shut down, as snow covers the land and sea ice covers the seas,

So we also have carbon dioxide doubling every year above the arctic winter ice, from the temperate average of just two parts per million, capped five biological life during daylight hours.

There converts all the carbon emissions from mankind into the carbohydrates of life, representing just 0.0002% are the carbon dioxide freed out daily by animals around the earth.  All converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes during the day.

2 mCO2+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

So during daylight hours on land and sea natural photosynthesis temperate carbon dioxide at just two parts per million!  The static trace level for carbon dioxide over last 11.2 thousand years.

A static trace gas so obviously affects nothing!  We use all that free electricity to drive heat pumps immersed in the seas.  Sucking heat as the polar water at 0° C.

Physics teaches is that the maximum density for no other pressurise water is 4° C, so water rises as it freezes!  Ice floats.  Cure for I's in your drink this afternoon, and verify this basic high school physics.

So we built at one error in the Arctics.  Chemically you want stainless steel helixes in her us in the sea water.  And then we use our free electricity to punch the air over the land, or ice.

We then the pressurise at air, but increase of items year for 273° C, as we double the pressure on the year.  We do need to drive the air off, as water vapour which complicate stuff.

We use this idea in Canada, melting the ice that forms above the arctic circle in winter.  So now we have lush fertile ground.

We fire up my little 30cm steam plasmas, on a four metre grid below little aluminium flotation units.  Gain the Canadian earth 24 hour so the shine all day and night.  The absence or presence of natural sunlight is irrelevant.

We plant natural grass seeds, and plant a trees in soil balls and the field boundaries.  And we get 24 hour 365 plant growth.  Sucking in all that lovely carbon dioxide!  So actually decreased seeing plant growth around the temperate earth.

Carbon dioxide still sunk to at two parts per 1,000,000, around the temperate earth.  Only now we have given Canada a vibrant agricultural industry.  Twice as plasma has Texas.

We can repeat the process around Alaska.  Sucking heat from the Siberian Rivers.

Where we immerse 1m x2cm steam plasma cylinders.  Was started the high voltage electricity, they run and powered.  Fancy owning a volume of water every year to tiny to measure.  Which we top up from spring loaded reservoirs.

We again and use a 4 metre grid of steam plasmas, this type R30 CM units, so warm and light Burlin and 24/7.  All year around!  Again giving rasher and industry more fertile than Texas.

Helping to feed the growing human population on earth.  At 8.2 billion today.  It was at 4.8 2001.  A lot of extra moments that need filling!

In the Jurassic the sun was more radiant.  They are not even sure that there was a south pole.  Mineral records on the tectonic plates, using radioactive phosphorus dating, will show us the climate after 25,000 years ago.  Carbon dates are only good for 5000 years!  Not the 50,000 years erroneously published on the Internet.  For carbon 14 dating.

We can erect a 4m grid on the uptake places, that carved into icebergs.  So we melt the snow, which there is are harmlessly as a warm water.  So he gradually can sue them the glacier, keeping the north east passage ice free all year around.

Such a huge difference to supplying the call ions we have materials.  Only now we have used steam plasmas to keep the I's away all year around.  Transform the arctic circle into a 24/7 365 days a year, I's free arable area.

Plant's will grow like mad!  Eting all that lovely carbon dioxide air.  In the arctic winter today carbon dioxide doubles to four PPM.  Only now we are supporting agriculture all year around.

We are melting the snow, which flows back naturally to the equator, increasingly cooling in the hot lands.  We can use my little steam plasmas to provide carbon zero electricity which pays a fortune!  Warm 0.5 million a year.

We suck out water by one metre, and from that water vapour to above the first set of hills on land.  We then vent the water vapour, which forms a natural cooling mist.

Which falls on the ground as water droplets.  Wetting the soil mats we have impregnated with grass seed.  So transforming what is now arid dessert, into lash personal Savannah.

Where again farmers will grow grass and raise animals.  Increasing the natural Food Supply around the earth.  All carbon negative!  For a year as a massive fortune.  Enjoy.


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