
Showing posts from January, 2023

Getting at freshwater

Europe could not be safer!  Just one metre of vacuum will turn river or sea water, into pure water vapour.  Losing all salts and contaminants. It is on 1000 times easier to pump and liquid water.  So transfer the river water, no purified, to a high storage.  An Europe has a massive amounts of off peak electricity going to waste. We can utilise some of this electricity to provide fresh water for the European populations: including the power company workers!  So the wasted energy will produce fresh drinkable water. We are no longer tied to natural rain fall.  This sort of high school physics taught to me in the 1980s.  Very very elementary!  No need for a highly pressure, dangerous and expensive higher pressure filtration - 'reverse osmosis'. We utilised the waste electricity to give you access to unlimited amounts of fresh, drinkable water.  The higher pressure desalination people, are trying to whip up a panic. But vacuum desalination is safe and very nearly free! 

free fresh water California!

Endless water supplies In built up areas areas like California, giving the population access to carbon zero, non-nuclear electricity is important.  So the plasma Power System detail below is ideal! And it gives us access to virtually free electricity.  That will allow us to drive vacuum pumps set in the seawater, to freeze a limitless quantities of free water vapour.  We can then pump inshore. Ideal for irrigation!  And watering the animals.  And will never be a shortage of seawater.  As in time the fresh water flows back into the seas! All Islands have the same same problem.  The small catchment area to collect rainfall.  And for small islands like Crete the problem is exacerbated by the low amount of natural rain. The California Air has so much available seashore.  And we can suck fresh water out and seas - read on. Large land masses may not have a three large catchment areas, to efficiently collect their rainfall. But Crete has loads and loads of sunlight!  See a littl

Fresh island water

free offshore water and power All islands have the same problem.  This small catchment area to collect rainfall.  And for small islands like Crete the problem is exacerbated by the low amount of natural rain. But Crete loads of sunlight!  See a little solar collectors sited just offshore.  Otherwise we are reliant on a steam plasma.  Which converts regular water into heat light and X rays. My American friend had found that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma are release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Creatures not have a large energy demand. ENERGY PROFILE AND MAIN CHALLENGES Almost 80% of the total electricity demand is covered by three power plants located in three different regional units of Crete with an overall installed power (nominal capacity) of 820 MW, based on a mix of generator units (steam turbines, internal combustion engines and combine cycle gas turbines) using conventional energy sources. There is a limited RES penetration due to stability issues of the local electrici

Irrigate Spain

increase life This idea works equally well for all hot countries.  The shortest route to the open sea is through the north of Spain.  Like Portual its agriculture is held back by its lack of access to fresh water.  Not a problem! Strain has loads of natural sunlight, and also an extensive power grid.  Just 1 W of electrical power, will raise seawater up by one metre.  Using a little vacuum pump.  June from small solar panels, or the mains. By scientific definition the water boils into water vapour.  Leaving behind all salts.  Heavy metals and other contaminants.  We just suck out pure water vapour.  That is 1000 times easier to pump and liquid water, So we transported it inland.  To fill artificial Rivers.  That will receive loads of fresh water, irrespective of rainfall!  We will fight them on the high ground, so the water runs down to was the centre of spain. We may choose to have a dedicated one metre policy in water vapour tube, carrying the water into the centre or Spain

Free power and water for the UK

Just so free Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  Where nature is doing molecular nuclear fusion.  Producing heat, ozone and helium gases.  The lightening also are liberates little light and X rays - of issues no chemical source.  Welcome to molecular nuclear fusion. 1 H₂O+O₂+TU+P→He²⁺↑+O₃⁺+3e⁻+L+E²+X-ray This means that he every rain or snow storms, give off X rays as they are doing nuclear fusion from regular water.  There is no chemical source of X rays!  And the light flashes give us a spooky illumination level, but he's not really capable of being measured. Except in the laboratory.  Where was it drizzled over a one metre drop world form helium and ozone and give off X ray radiation.  Any high school physics department can rvers two nuclear fusion in the laboratory. The most convenient carbon zero heat generator, is a steam plasma.  Where the hydrogen and oxygen atoms are a broken apart, with three men and C electrons in a chaotic missed.

free water for the UK

reuse your water For centuries, ncers the gloated over the fact that free using fresh water from the sea or river water into energy expensive.  Initially boiling off the water, and the steam losing or contaminants. But there is a far easier way of boiling water then adding heat.  You reduce the pressure.  As my high school physics teacher showed me, even a water driven little vacuum pump, will cause water at 30° C to boil off, Even I is will convert directly into water vapour, with only one metre of vacuum.  The water companies have huge amounts of and use pumping power at night. They can use this to drive a little vacuum pumps, and suck fresh water from Rivers or seas.  Inducing the water vapour into a low reservoirs for tanks, or just pump in the water vapour to a high storage.  As water vapour is 1000 times easier to pump and liquid water. CHANCS 3W 5.5-12V DC Mini Submersible Water Pump for Solar Power Brand: CHANCS   3.4 out of 5 stars         82 ratings Lowest price in 30

Free water for the world

fre frewsh water Nature makes fresh rain, by evaporating sea water over hundreds of square miles.  But there is a far simpler idea.  Which again farmers access to or trillions of gallons of water. As my high school physics teaches demonstrated, a little water driven vacuum pump will cause warm water at 30° C to boil. If we do the same to sea or river water all over the world, we suck out the fuel water the been behind salts and contaminants.  Just one metre of vacuum will cause even I is to boil off as pure water vapour.  Though it is easier than pumping liquid water. Many just 1 W of power to boil water by one metre - causing it to boil off and fuel water vapour, it is then all 1000 times easier to pump and liquid water. So at 10 W of power wall courts on 1000 l of water vapour to be transported a kilometre inshore. So farmers can use this idea to suck water out over the river or sea.  Transporting the water vapour to a high tank or holding reservoir.  As we vent no vapour