Refill the reservoirs

clean up river and sea water

And summer circles the earth, water is a short commodity!  A week Nome the UK will introduce a hosepipe ban.  When British water applied to restrict the income!

Yet at night the water company is have large amounts of unused electrical power.  Required to use only and a to drive pumps to to cure in the water around the country.

The need to drop a waited snorkel into a nearby river or the sea, and suck out water vapour.  By definition water boils in a 0° C, we one metre of vacuum.  That requires one Whatt of power.  Another the water vapour is 1000 times easier to pump and liquid water!  And it rolls of film really without a problem.

The resistance is from the fluid interacting with a point walls.  We use by your polyurethane piping, which is both easy and cheap to install!  If there is a bleak, there'll be a hissing noise, as an gaffer tape will seal up the hole.

The river or sea water loses all contaminants, no heavy metals, salts or bacteria, they you're all left behind!  We just suck out pure water vapour.

Farmers can use this idea, to suck out pure water from a local stream.  The water is ideal for watering the plants or the animals, and the lawyers or 20 W solar pump required, is under 20 UK pounds.

So water company is like British water, or the French water companies, can we fill the reservoir set night.  Sucking pure water at a local river!

Category:Water companies of France - Wikipedia › wiki › Category:Water_comp...

Pages in category "Water companies of France" ; D · Degrémont ; E · Eau de Paris ; M · Mexel ; S · Saur (company) ; V · Veolia ...

And making continued to sell the water all year round.  And not dependent on rainfall.  Or high pressure reverse osmosis - A dangerous and energy expensive process.  In the arid countries, this will provide almost free year round fresh water.

Ideal for irrigation!  And the plant's full Hungary gobble down all the available carbon dioxide, to the present limit of two PPM.  In the Jurassic that limit was four parts per million.

There was 85% more life on earth, and there were three natural ice ages!  Whoever made up man made global warming, was a serious biological idiot!  In the pay of nuclear power.

Nuclear power bills lower plants using loads and loads of reinforced concrete.  Answer murder is produced via a fossil fuel burn on limestone.  Driving of carbon dioxide!

Making an active nuclear power building programme, mankind's fourth biggest carbon emitter.  Uranium nuclear is so not carbon zero!  They made up global warming, by using them cells are massive carbon sources.

But now we can irrigate the deserts!  Dredging up the seabed to form soil mats.  We impregnate we have corn and grass seed.  Masterly producing the food supplies around the world.  Sucking in all that lovely carbon dioxide.


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