Ending droughts


Suck up pure water vapour

We use 0 level physics.  By definition the water at one atmosphere pressure, boils rib one metre of vacuum.  We can easily use a little vacuum pump to generate this amount of vacuum.

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This boils off sea or river water, and allows is to for the water vapour to high storage.  In the little tank or a holding reservoir.

We have removed all salts are heavy metals or other contaminants.  We have just produced pure water vapour.  When we vent to the air, if farmers and missed which Kohl essays into rain drops, and fills our tank.

It does not matter that we are in a drought!  This is standard high school physics.  And will allow them country is to freeze unlimited amounts of fresh water for very nearly free!

At a pinch, we could utilised the almost free off peak electricity from the national grid.  To generate fresh water at night.  One Watt of pumping power, is only a fifth of the energy required to cure one step of a staircase.

We are producing the free of fresh water, even for the employees of the power company.

In the UK he week in the air and the annual summer droughts.  Pumping water from the seas all day.  The salts and contaminants drop back into the see as brine.

In Africa farmers can easily irrigate the fields.  Using A snorkel dropped down into a river or even the sea.  So hot countries are two little water today, we can irrigate the fields - and the plant's will suck Ian all that lovely carbon dioxide.  The gas of life.  Turn into plant carbohydrates.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray)

Photosynthesis is a type of biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Hence the emission of helium and X rays - or which there is no chemical source.  We also get the emission of a faint blue light.  Only possible with nuclear reactions.

During the day around the temperate earth, plants' gobble up carbon dioxide from the air - down to just two parts per million.  The static trace level of carbon dioxide in the afternoon air since before 1880.  A man's industrial revolution.  Burning the fossil fuels has increased plant life around the earth.

It is not affected the trace level of carbon dioxide in the air.  In the stratosphere there is only 2.5 parts per million, per m² that is a static parts per billion.

Apparently physics professors who concocted manmade global warming, had forgotten there high school biology.  Plants cap carbon dioxide at just two PPM, around the temperate earth.

Above the polar ice Every winter there is four PPM carbon dioxide.  And the coldest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.  As professor Argent reminded me 2005, plant's eat carbon dioxide.

As mankind is burnt the fossil fuels that formed in the mass extinctions of Prix history, we restore the organic carbon to life.  The Jurassic had 85% more active biological life.  Sea levels were 60 metres lower.

That life died in the mass extinction!  Not as big as the cretaceous mass extinction.  Win 90% of life died.  As photosynthesis evolved and sank carbon dioxide just one part per million.

Life only recovered as animals multiplied, to take Ian the oxygen gas excreted by plants.  And tended back into the carbon dioxide needed to stimulate plant growth.  It was more efficient for animal to eat carbohydrates, and breathe in the oxygen excreted by plants.

Completing the carbon system which supports most life on earth.

2 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+(m+n/2+r)O₂+TU→mCO₃+nH₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)  TU= the turbulence of food digestion.

So more animals including yourself do nuclear fusion as you digest food.  The mitochondria in your cells also do biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Which is why they give off X rays as they freeze helium and massive energy.

As it once again do 2.  Your beating heart also does molecular nuclear fusion.

3 CO₂+4H₂O+dP/dT→CH₄+(2-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)

Resulting me you breathe out methane and helium gases.  There being no source of helium.  The free radical oxygen years so destructive.  So your beating heart does nuclear fusion 70 times a minute.  And you clever!

Well actually no, as all animal blood systems do it as their hearts beat.


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