Warm the North Sea

Warm the East coast of the UK - for free

We use 1950s technology - the heat pump.  We extend a low pressure gas down into the stainless steel helix in the seas.

When there half the pressure on a gas, the absolute temperature halves.  So the gas there was at 30° C, at two scales according to the absolute temperature.  Which is Celsius plus 273.

That the entry temperature b T₁, and the exit temperature T₂.  It is important that the gas is dry.  So free receiving a draw in air through a dry salt.  Which removes the water vapour.

The temperature multiplier by the pressure is the gas constant, you do not really have to know the value!

1 (T₁+273)xP₁=2(T₂+273)x 1/2P₂

Which looks complicated!  It means that (T₂+273)=2(T1+273)

We are only doubling the pressure, so at an approximation T₂=T₁+300.  So when we double the pressure on the gas, it heats up by 300° C.  This is why a new plan for a bicycle tire, the valve gets really really hot!  It is Watts engineers call adiabatic heating.

If we have a little pump, we can suck heat into a low pressure gas from a frozen duck pond.  But when we pressurise the gas week and then heat a four bedroomed house in the UK in winter.

It is how your fridge or freezer works.  We suck Ian heat on low pressure end of the cycle, and lose it to the one area the kitchen Bio radiator at the back of the fridge.  Insulated from the cold fridge interior.

So he can call or freezer to -5° C, from a warm kitchen at 30° C.  It is called a heat pump!  Were buy a pressurising and venting a gas, we can transfer heat from a cold region into the hot region.  Or from a cold region into 1 minute of the fridge.

So at the north sea the cold low pressure gas, is at -20° C.  Where we double the pressure of the gas will use the same thermal energy to the air at 280° C.  The air obviously spreads out - so we warm the area by 20° C.

So he changed the air from freezing winter air, into warm late spring air, just by having a little pump.  Which only needs 1 W of power.  Transform the area around a body water from snow, to remarkably pleasant!

To add light to an area we fire up a little steam plasma below flotation balloons.  And this a illuminates and warms 1/4 acre area.  As my American friend validated a 30x1.5cm steam plasma transformed a mine you to volume of regular water, into heat light and X rays.

2 H₂O+PL→E²+L+X-ray

So that you were at work in a gas burner.  And keep a small balloon suspended vertically in the air.  Pari a hot air balloon!  We have little reflectors, to direct the heat and light down answer the ground.

The air is already warned by a little heat pump.  And now we had a little more heat and loads of natural light.  A Farmer can suspend a grid of steam plasmas above a field.

And in the cold dark months of winter, the Farmer can now a plant in Gro a second harvest.  Doubling crop yields in the UK!

If there any shortage of water, we utilised the little vacuum pump to suck up seawater by one metre, where it boils into pure fresh water vapour.  Which transferred to a holding tank or little reservoir.

A no gain access to the purest water on the planet.  This idea is especially important for the Middle East - where the water is basically nearly free!  We have no expensive and dangerous reverse osmosis.  Which is really only engineers have a joke!

Rather an eight atmospheres of positive pressure, we have one atmosphere of negative pressure.  And vacuum is so cheap to produce!  So we warm and wets burn the east coast of the UK.

Give me that wall sea heat - or at the golf stream which warms the West Coast.  Using the science of the heat pump, worked out by the Rev. Sterling in the 18th century.

Remember, you can one a four bedroomed house in winter in the UK, for frozen duck pond.  So warming the air along the east coast of England, is really not hard.

Adding heat and light is a little steam plasma, is a delightful bit of science!  The plasma shines like a captive strike of lightning, which naturally releases heat and light for free.

Park by heavy rain or snow storms.  So really not a lot of energy!  We are burning the hydrogen atoms into heat light and X rays.  Using E=mc²

So each plasma cylinder we utilised just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  Basically fire up the steam plasma using the electronics borrow from a fluorescent light, and till the rate heat light and lower power X rays for the rest of your life!  With no topping up.


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