free fresh water California!
Endless water supplies |
In built up areas areas like California, giving the population access to carbon zero, non-nuclear electricity is important. So the plasma Power System detail below is ideal!
And it gives us access to virtually free electricity. That will allow us to drive vacuum pumps set in the seawater, to freeze a limitless quantities of free water vapour. We can then pump inshore.
Ideal for irrigation! And watering the animals. And will never be a shortage of seawater. As in time the fresh water flows back into the seas!
All Islands have the same same problem. The small catchment area to collect rainfall. And for small islands like Crete the problem is exacerbated by the low amount of natural rain.
The California Air has so much available seashore. And we can suck fresh water out and seas - read on.
Large land masses may not have a three large catchment areas, to efficiently collect their rainfall.
But Crete has loads and loads of sunlight! See a little solar collectors sited just offshore. Otherwise we are reliant on a steam plasma. Which converts regular water into heat light and X rays.
My American friend had found that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma are release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. Creatures not have a large energy demand.
Almost 80% of the total electricity demand is covered by three power plants located in three different regional units of Crete with an overall installed power (nominal capacity) of 820 MW, based on a mix of generator units (steam turbines, internal combustion engines and combine cycle gas turbines) using conventional energy sources. There is a limited RES penetration due to stability issues of the local electricity network . Most of the electricity in Crete is produced from fossil fuels that are transported from the mainland with Heavy Fuel Oil 58% and Diesel 20.4%. RES represents 21.6% of the overall energy production: 17% wind turbines, 4.6% solar (mainly PVs) and only 0.01% from small hydro.
Just 1,600 plasma are plasma power plants will supply 100% other create a demand carbon zero. Each plasma plant producing ½ MW of carbon zero power. We can purchase the half megawatts steam turbine over the Internet. A minute runs off a steam plasma - no fossil fuel burn involved.
If we utilises plasma power plant to four times the heat and power production, we only need for hundred of these plasma power plants.
Will have access to loans are free electricity. If you are a knees up seawater by one metre, it boils into fuel water vapour. The salt sinking down from the back in two has concentrated called brine.
We then pump the fresh water vapour to a high reservoir or on the island. And dispense the pure water through gravity. So we give the island free water and power.
And after irrigation use, the water flows back into the seas, ready to be sucked up and used again! We also leave behind all the heavy metals and other contaminants. Including bacteria! We just suck out pure water.
Week in use the same idea to give free power and water to the isle of Wight.
The Isle of Wight is 380 square km and has 140,000 inhabitants, effectively the population of a medium-sized UK town. Its peak electricity demand is 167 MW and the island needs a 30 MW base load.
42 large plasma power plants was for all the electrical power for the island, totally carbon zero. This idea was to barked due to my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000. Burn our cure the embarrassed that carbon zero power is so simple.
The home user can build his own plasma power plant, and supply 60 local customers with free electricity. An annual income from the National Power grid of 180,000 UK pounds. Every year!
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