Saudi Arabia takes in the carbon emissions

Plants eat CO2

Natural plant around the world, taking carbon dioxide to grow.  Man carriers huge carbon emissions represent just 0.0004% are the carbon dioxide breathed out by animals.  They are less important than a volcanic eruption or local forest fire.

Both are caused a huge first of plant growth locally.  The limit to life on earth, is the scales and modes of carbon dioxide in the air: in the present epoch the temperate air has just two parts per million in its!  That is 0.0002%.  Which plants grow in a league gobble in July day.

Above the arctic ice In winter, carbon dioxide doubles to four PPM.  Air temperature down to -50° C!  Physics made up man made global warming.  Having no knowledge of the carbon cycle!  Or the weather.

Though every scientist on earth was taught the carbon cycle of high school.  So the extra carbon emissions cause five burning the fossil fuels, and she he releases the organic carbon from a stranglehold of the oil well!

With in the Jurassic there was four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  85% more life on earth.  And there were three natural ice ages!  Jonthm of areas sea levels were 60 metres lower - all the water was tied up in local ecosystems.

Carbon dioxide levels change four years into a natural ice age.  The carbon dioxide levels double!  There were three natural ice ages in the Jurassic age, the carbon dioxide around the temperate earth at eight parts per million.

Are you beginning to think that the physics professors should have remembered that high school biology?

So carbon dioxide levels rise in the cold.  And still so every year over the arctic ice In winter.  Around the temperate earth photosynthesis on land and seas, there is free carbon dioxide to just two PPM.

On the seas are better carbon sinks than the land.  Grass be a better carbon sink on the trees!  So planting trees does not actually increased nature is sinking carbon dioxide.  The grassland was better!

To turn sea water into fresh pure water, win applied use one metre of vacuum to C water.  And even I is converts directly into water vapour!  So we suck pure water out of the seas.

The coal brine sinks and more C water is drawn into the vacuum pipe.  Or water vapour there is easier to pump.  1000 times easier than liquid water.  It does not even if we need to pump the water vapour over a hill.

So at 20 kW solar panel, will happily suck in sea water, and pump the water vapour half a kilometre inshore.  And we pump 13 billion liters of water vapour inshore.

As he vent the vacuum to the atmosphere, it forms a fine mist!  Which settles on the ground as rain drops.  13,000 l of fresh pure water a second.

We had transformed the of a patient the seawater.  That you see is a very slow and a minor effect.  That produces all the rain that falls on the earth - so the areas are huge!

We can dredge up the seabed, and we shall assault in estuaries.  And the form soil mats with grass seed in!  Light from the European grain mountains.

Saudi Arabia what is now arid deserts, into the lush grass lands!  We use to farm sheep and carers.  Who fertilise the grass with their droppings.

So we massively increase the flu supplies around the earth.  Taking in all mankind's carbon emissions.  Anger medicine back into active biology.

Which the fossil fuels were in prehistory!  The fossil fuels formed at the mass extinctions, the lower biological life went down to the heated interior the earth, and ended up as hydrocarbons.

1 Cₘ(H2O)ₙ+P+T→CₘHₙ+nO so the carbohydrates of plant and animal life, became the hydrocarbons - crude oil!

Already around the earth natural photosynthesis around the temperate earth, converts extra come dioxide into additional life on earth within 5 minutes.  Saudi Arabia are making its Lions lush and fertile, is only helping with the natural carbon sequestration.

We also need to plant a tree seedlings in soil balls, at the field boundaries, to start the new soil being blown away back into the seas.

We can turn Saudi Arabia are back into lash first sell grain area, it glass walls in the days of the Roman empire.  It only aridified after the little ice age.  Due to mankind's mismanagement.

Saudi Arabia thus gets a huge agricultural industry, to make out for its loss of income as well ceases to burn fuel oil.

Burning oil or gas only releases 45 kW/m from gas or oil burners.  A 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres releases a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  Which would generate 1.2 MW of carbon neutral electricity.

And water falls from the skies for free!  Or we can use some of our produced water vapour.  Which is basically decelerated water.

2 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) A free and carbon neutral heat generation system.  That was started will self sustain at four atmospheres.


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