Church solves drought
Free water for the world |
It is not hard! You want a little solar driven vacuum pump, that sucks sea or river water up by one metre, at which stage it boils into fresh water vapour, losing all salts and contaminants.
And we then pump the fresh water vapour, to a high storage tank or reservoir. And distribute the water to towns and farmers using gravity.
Week in use this idea to purify are well water - though they are arsenic or other undesirable heavy metals from water.
This is a science that Water Aid should be using. See purify a stream or river water for nearly free!
And all the extra plant growth sucks carbon dioxide air to the air. More than the
carbohydrates of life.
1 mCO2+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray) Lb=a faint blue light, as emitted by all plants on land and C doing photosynthesis around the temperate earth.
This process continues in the afternoon air, and so there is just two parts per million carbon dioxide left in the air. The same level has 1880 - before the industrial revolution, a man started burning the fossil fuels.
Burning the fossil fuels does biological molecular nuclear fusion. In the deep dark heated earth's interior, the fossilised carbohydrates are converted into a hydrocarbons
2 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+T+P→CₘHₙ+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)
So the conversion of carbohydrates into hydrocarbons is a type of physical molecular nuclear fusion. Only going on and unlimitedd temperature and pressure.
In a chemical plant they can most easily turn hydrocarbons into natural gas, by applying heat and pressure.
3 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+T+P+FCC+mH₂→m(CH₄)(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)+FCC FCC= A face centre and metals like aluminium. We converts produce the extra hydrogen we need, by the electrolysis of regular water.
It will be useful to have a free source of free electricity. Luckily he a steam plasma rising non nuclear carbon free electricity source. Turning regular water into massive heat.
A steam turbine converting into electricity.
4 (1+s)H₂O+PL→He+O+s(E²+L+X-ray). We produce s/2 W of carbon free electricity. Utilising just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water, we produce nearly them is free electricity. From a to Z mine you amount of steaming a plasma.
So we turn heating a pressurise carbohydrates, they side the carbon fuel. Or we have done is at its stripper at the extra oxygen. So country is in no fossil fuel deposits, then use a small chemical plant to freeze hydrocarbons.
We can even turn methane into fuel oil..
5 mCH₄+P+T+FCC →CₘHₙ+H₂+FCC again using a face centred cubic metal like a lightening them, as a catalyst. We are void the 1,000,000 year wait for the methane to boil polymerise naturally into higher carbon number fuel oil. Diesel is carbon 12, petrol is carbon 16.
So countries can to all carbon dioxide from the air, to come up with a hydrogen from electrolysis. At over 400° C we do the Sebatiers process.
6 CO₂+4H₂+T→CH₄+2H₂O
So can turn that day is carbon dioxide into methane. Which showed burnt with oxygen high pressure, gives us back our carbon dioxide. It is carbon neutral natural gas.
7 CH₄+3O₂+P+spark→CO₂+2H₂O+E+L
So light and heat emitted five burning natural gas or long chain hydrocarbons, does physical molecular nuclear fusion. Just as 1 also does physical molecular nuclear fusion.
Which is why burning hydrocarbons all carbohydrates releases visible light and X rays. As are actually doing nuclear fusion on earth.
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