Water for the world

free fresh water

Cleaning up sea or river water to make drinkable fresh water ideal for irrigation, is amazingly simple!  We don't need to add heat of pressure.  So it is very energy inexpensive.

During the day and the drive a little 20 W solar panel.  I have no financial link with the vacuum pump manufacturer.  Which I have found over the Internet.

Anself Solar Water Pump, 9V 2.5W Solar Power Panel Pump Landscape Pool Garden Fountains Pluggable Solar Power Fountain Water Pump

Brand: Anself

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-19% £20.99

So for 21 UK pounds, they can produce them as fresh water for ever.  Using the three son light during the day.  It takes just one Watt of pumping, to transform liquid water into water vapour.  Even ice goes direct into water vapour at 0° C, with one metre of vacuum.

The water vapour is the 1000 times easier to pump and liquid water.  So transfer the water to a little reservoir or or highly tank or suplies a town or village.  We can easily supply all the water four a town nearly cost free!

And then use gravity to dispense the water over the fields.  And get free irrigation.  Without any higher pressure desalination - which is dangerous and nearly as expensive as boiling off water.

So regaining key at a world access to fresh water.  It will work even in polar regions!  Which are called the white deserts, as there so little rain.

So this idea will prevent droughts around the world.  We suck up sea or river water.  And transforming into fuel water.  It is a sort of thinking Cambridge University needed.

Rather than remote well drilling and 5 feet water handers of miles, they could get a vacuum pump into a source of brown river water, and suck out just pure water vapour.  Losing all salts and contaminants.

Giving access to clear water to the world!  It doesn't matter how contaminated the ritual water is, turning into water vapour clears it up.

During the UK's summer the can use this idea to give people access to unlimited fresh water.  To irrigate the fields and drink!

Is has so little salt, it is absolutely tasteless: even Perrier water has a little salt in for flavor.  For irrigation we want zero salts.


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