fresh water for the world

Fresh water for the world - for free

Every day during daylight hours, water evaporates from the seas.  Leaving behind all salts and contaminants.  No heavy metals or bacteria!  But it uses a totally immense air!  60% the surface area of the globe.

But in high school physics all summer students were shown that even a water driven vacuum pump, will cause warm water at 30° C to boil.  Again leaving behind all salts and contaminants!

Just one metre of vacuum by definition, will coals water or even ice to boil off into water vapour.  The world has been obsessed by engineers boiling all filtering or sea water into high temperature of pressure.  That he is too expensive and dangerous!  An massively expensive.

If we have a little 20 W solar driven vacuum pump, we can boil off 1 l of sea water a second.  It will fall on 1000 l of water vapour.

That we use the 19 W of pumping power, to form after a remote reservoir or tank.  It is not even matter if it is uphill.  And we vent the pressure the water vapour forms a cooling mist.

Which Mr. Them aids into rain drops and fills the reservoir.  With a furious water on the planet!  Even Perrier water, has so little salt in for flavor.

But we get just pure water.  Water Aid Ken use this idea to convert brown river water, into a totally pure water ideal for irrigation all watering animals.

An eight strips away all salts heavy metals and contaminants.  Just 1 W of vacuum!  Walking up a flight of stairs takes the average person 20 W of energy!

And the required pump can be purchased for under 20 UK pounds over the Internet.  And will run and powerd or during daylight hours.  Hence we fill the little reservoir and dispense the water all day using gravity.

It gives farmers with access to the river or sea, but he unlimited fresh water.  Which were here he is massively inexpensive.

And he only had 8 hours plants will grow like crazy, turning carbon dioxide into plant biomass.  Sucking carbon dioxide or to the air!  Down to the present terrestrial intelligence two parts per million.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cm(H₂O)n+Lb-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

Biology has noted that green plants in the see and on land during the day it give out a faint blue light and X rays.  As they it build plant biomass!  There is no chemical source of visible light or X rays.  Photosynthesis is active biological molecular nuclear fusion.

Which excrete free radical oxygen, which bonds with molecular oxygen to form ozone and.  Which forms the protective ozone layer around the earth.  Without which there will be no multi cellular life on earth.  The earth's surface of the air radiation baked arid deserts!  Which is probably what nuclear power want to achieve.

And photosynthesis around the temperate earth goes on on land and sea.  Sucking in carbon dioxide, to enter the present limit of just two parts per million.  Carbon emissions become active plant biomass within 5 minutes.

No possibility of any weather effect!  Carbon dioxide does not even make it to the stratosphere, where our weather is made.

Above the four ice In winter on the north and south pole, there is no active photosynthesis.  And carbon dioxide levels spiked at four PPM.  Air temperature -50° C.  I have been talking about this for six months, there being no reply from the people earning their living from the meaningless manmade climate change.

The this means carbon dioxide limits have been static or in the temperate earth in the present epoch.  Doubling above the arctic ice in winter.  The coldest places on earth!

The natural climate started cooling from 1995.  So manmade climate change is actually nuclear cover for natural global cooling.  The earth's weather has 28 year periods or warming cooling totally naturally.

Cause five predictable solar emission cycles.  So every applied in the inner solar system has been cooling since 1995.  Including Mars with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.  Average air temperature -112° C.  Carbon dioxide is so not a warming gas!

It we acts to the wax and wane of natural photosynthesis.  Which in turn reacts to the weather.  So carbon dioxide levels four to a minimum value, during a warm period when there is so much photosynthesis.

In the little ice age of the 18th century, the Irish temperature across Europe was -20° C.  And the carbon dioxide level was back to a Jurassic 4 PPM.

The Jurassic was usually warm period.  We have four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  Photosynthesis was less evolved!  But there were three natural ice ages.  Where carbon dioxide levels at eight PPM.

Whoever made up man made global warming was a serious biological idiot!  He knew nothing of earth history.  The minerals around the earth tell us the estates through prehistory.

The carbon dioxide doubling in the ice ages!  But gradually reducing in value as photosynthesis evolved.

So the global weather will re-enter warming again next year.  Totally naturally!  The carbon dioxide levels around the temperate earth still fixed at two PPM.

The climate change lot of conceded that there were wrong about carbon dioxide!  Particularly as building a nuclear power station involves a fossil fuel burn on limestone and to four all out concrete.

To make reinforced cement.  Being that an active nuclear power plant building programme, is man cannot fourth largest source of carbon emissions.

But since Chernobyl the required annual insurance have to 40 billion.  Nuclear power bribed the nuclear regulator, and carries a criminally insufficient 50 million.  And farmers academia tried spurious scientific papers about the meaningless manmade climate change.

Since Fukushima in 2010 the required insurance has risen to 100 billion.  So nuclear power is carrying only 0.005% of are legally required insurance.  When I met the nuclear regulator in 1984, he was very specific about them the assisting on adequate insurance cover for any power plant.

So every operating nuclear power plant in the world requires annual insurance of 100 billion.  There being no source of insurance cover above one billion.  Even if your queen of England!

A nuclear power shows stop the slightest inclination to carry the required insurance level.  They just five the nuclear regulator!  The biggest corporate crime in history.

And remember Fukushima will kill 20 million people across to Asia.  That is a total legal bill against Japanese nuclear power, of 2000 trillion.  The world is only worth 138 trillion!

Which is why Germany and Japan have banned nuclear power in their provinces around the world.  It is an insurable toxic death!  Are totally massive carbon source. 


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