cheap fresh water for the southeast of England

reduced pressure water boiling

The nuclear lobby had no interest in biology!  Until they learned in horror that plants eat carbon dioxide.  And that an active nuclear power plant building programme is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.

This is irrelevant to the world climate.  The 60% of the earth's surface is combined seas.  And algae and sea plants have evolved to leave the usual two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air.

Carbon dioxide levels above the arctic ice In winter double to four PPM - as there is no photosynthesis on the snow covers the land and ice covers seas.  So carbon dioxide rises to four PPM, air attempt to -50° C!

Obviously carbon dioxide is not a warming gas!  So the clever people are forecasting a sudden global drought.  Which is brain dead fiction!  As santis struggles to forecast the weather for the next day.

I am old enough to remember the summer of 1976.  Three months of summer sun that year!  As a person in three days of summer the UK usually gets.  We might just about squeezing the fourth day this year!  It is not that exact.

The the climate people went into overdrive forecasting a drought and reduce plant growth.  Jets do not affect the seas!  Which have evolved to leave the usual two PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  The static level in this epoch - or even before mankind evolved.

If we use a little solar powered vacuum pump, we can accept one metre of vacuum head and sea or river water.  Which plus scientific definition them boils into fuel water vapour!  Losing all salts and heavy metals.  Also lead-in and bacteria life forms.

So A20 UK pounds solar powered vacuum pump, will clear up any brown river water, into the purest water on the planet.  There is no point for remote well drilling a mile long power lines - that is a Roman idea!

Seized on by WaterAid and Cambridge University.  A little vacuum pump will clean up any water source.  No expensive well drilling, and miles of pipe line required!  The vacuum to justice of duress water there is.

And the south of England wants to declare a drought.  It does every summer!  That is just the normal UK he weather.

But now groups of farmers can get together and side of 100 kW vacuum pump in the seas.  Sucking in C water on a polyurethane pipe.  The first metre or which will correct ever raised in an ice almost instantly!

The coal brine will sink back into the sea, down to -22° C.  Drawing in warm sea water as over 10° C.  So we will increase the followers of cold water back into the seas.  Which will end up at the equator - cooling the heart Land!  It is a natural heat shuttle of the seas.

Usually the cold is supplied by the arctic ice.  Was a vacuum desalination will produce cold all around Europe.  And we pump the water vapour to the local high point.

And then we vent the mist over the fields!  They might take you out as I French to irrigate a predictably dry area.

And the plant's will grow like crazy!  Time for 1 of my a little equations you guys like so much.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+ chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+mO₂-E)+r(He+O+Lb+X-ray+E₂)

The r(He+O+Lb+X-ray+E₂) tells us that photosynthesis it does nuclear fusion.  Biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Converting to a hydrogen ions into helium ions, with a massive release of heat, plus emission of a faint blue light and X rays.  This system needs starting five biology so much!

Actually building the carbohydrates, Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ, takes in energy.  It is an death amec.  That releases the oxygen the animals breathe in.  An income and you eat and plant biomass, the cell mitochondria do the slow carbohydrate burn that provides the body with energy.

Your hearts already does molecular nuclear fusion direct.  Using the turbulent flow of high pressure plant, with pressure waves caused by your beating heart.

So now we use a little vacuum pump to provide are four areas we have fresh water, irrespective of natural rain fall.  Leaving behind all salts and contaminants.

The water is are drinkable quality - though it is absolute flavorless!  Even Perrier water has a little salt in.  But irrigation is totally happy with just pure water.

And we inject the water vapour at the highly point in the local area.  And the water is distributed around the field by gravity for free.  I have been blocking about this idea for 18 months!

t suplies farmers with an endless supplies of age the free water.  A little 20 W vacuum pump can be purchased for under 20 UK pounds.  And needs no external power source!

So all the people making money out of climate change spurious scientific research, needing a new idea.  Which they conceded this week!  As I have missed it they are probably wrong about carbon dioxide - the static trace gas around the and terrestrial earth.

Blagdon 180L/Hr Liberty Replacement Feature Pump



Let us not that nuclear power is 1/4 largest manmade source of carbon emissions, in the two years the power plant construction, the minute the Covent carbon for the operation of a commercially fired power station for 25 years.

It is so much easier to use a steam plasma as a heat source.  My American friend confirmed that a 30x1cm the steam plasma, which he did not pressurise, you must a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so a plasma burns regular water into massive heat there was a light and lower power X rays.  So we use this to drive a steam cycle.

Which will generate 500 kW of carbon zero electricity: we convert into mains linked AC current for convenience.  The national grid pays us three million UK pounds a year, for a a excess current.  The chest needs just 8 kW of electrical power.

So we are generating in excess of power for 60 houses!  Totally carbon zero.  For mains electricity.  Using science fully developed in the 1950s.  We use the electronics from a all fluorescent light, to fire up the plasma.

Which after air summer will require 130 W to maintain the plasma.  A pressurise plasma are four atmospheres, will self sustain.  And produce 2.4 MW of heat.  1.2 MW of carbon zero electricity.

So no carbon emissions!  No fossil fuel burn.  And no handling radioactive materials.  Present uranium nuclear power requires annual insurance cover of 100 billion a year.

Since Fukushima in 2010.  It was 40 billion a year after Chernobyl in 1986.  Four clear soup prove that uranium nuclear power was the science of hades - and should not be allowed to operate on earth.

So a steam plasma generates ½ MW our carbon zero power.  From regular water.  Requiring no impossible insurance.

Nature her eats carbon dioxide to supports life on earth.  Animals eat the plant carbohydrates, we convert the oxygen excreted by plants, to get at the residual nuclear fusion energy.

To make fresh water we need to apply one metre of vacuum to river or sea water.  And then pump the water vapour to the high local point.  In a polyurethane pipe.  Which is so cheap and easy to make!

Then tuing the water vapour to the air produces a cooling sea mist.  Even though we are kilometre inshore.  And gravity would distribute the water to a local area.

The green plant's will gobble up the water, and says over e.g. of carbon dioxide.  So we double farm yields around the UK.

Our steam plasma they've rates heat light and X rays.  He can operate as a little sun.  Erect below flotation balloons, above our fields.  So agriculture continues 24 hours a day he, 365 days a year.  Which will double for the as yet again!  So a farm incomes will quadruple.  Which is really going to change the economics of farming!

And will increase the carbon dioxide consumed by a plant's in the UK.  Though already global carbon dioxide around the temperate earth, reduce just two PPM every afternoon.

So we will decrease plant growth in areas so don't do forming.  I don't generate an income!  So pancreas will continue all day and night.  Irrespective of the seasons.

So the climate change brigade really need to engage with biology back in 1986.  Then physics first invented manmade global warming.  The metabolism at 2000 are still by a biology lecturer biology never believed in manmade global warming!

Because they were actually aware of biology's carbon cycle.  And realised that global carbon dioxide levels were fixed.  Nuclear power tried to engage a biology professor, but she left on day one!


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