Cooling the UK climate
Plants eat CO2 and rxcrete O2 |
Three days every year, things are too hot in the UK. It is what we know technically as the summer. Just three days long! How the Indians must laugh at us.
They have six months a year over 40° C. It is what they call natural life! We were are plans take in carbon dioxide around the temperate earth there every day. Down to just two parts per million - if there is sufficient fresh water. There is obviously enough sunlight.
So intent on the southeast of England, we can use high school physics, to freeze endless cooling water mist. We have a solar powered vacuum pump. The operates during the day and sucks up seawater by one metre.
Buying SI definition, water at one atmosphere boils and a one metre of vacuum pressure. Needing just 1 W of pumping. Though the plant the pure water vapour through a polythene pipe, in shore.
In countries like India, the eastern side of the country is under rain shadow. The Himalayas suck all the rain out of the air. As it rises an coals over the mountains.
So we
use the vacuum desalination idea, to Bruce near limitless quantities of water vapour. Which he as it condenses, contracts by a factor of 1000. But we can pump or cooling mist over the eastern side of the Himalaya. And wet the dry lands!
And in Kent we not only wet the local environment, we also into so a cooling mist! Which in time settles out as rain drops. Inducing cold in the hot days.
On Wednesday and Tuesday next week, the BBC are predicting we will have an air temperature of 27° C. Manchester. That is not a red weather warning! That is pleasant weather.
I have run down the road in Hong Kong at above 40° C. You acclimatise in about a week. The UK government is acting as are paid stooges to nuclear power. Trying to terrify the public!
By every nuclear power station releases in two years of plant construction, the carbon equivalent of a commercial fired power station in 25 years. And after 25 years the nuclear plant is demolished!
Making nuclear power the fourth largest manmade source of carbon dioxide. As I mentioned above, finance and suck the carbon dioxide as the air within 5 minutes, to produce additional plant biomass.
There is no climate affect of extra plant and animal life! The carbon dioxide does not stay in the air. The heavy gas does not make it to the stratosphere - where our weather is made.
Whoever fabricated manmade global warming, was just so ignorant! Medically about biology is carbon cycle. The major life support system on earth.
During its criminal operation, every nuclear power plant knees insurance cover of 100 billion. They can only buy a criminally insufficient 50 million. The required insurance was 40 billion a year after Chernobyl in 1986.
100 billion after Fukushima in 2010: when Japan and Germany have both renounced nuclear power on their territories. So Sizewill B has only ever operated with criminally insufficient insurance. And must immediately shut down and never restart.
There'll be no new generation of nuclear power plant. Which should instantly be criminally under insured, so never given operating insurance.
Margaret Thatcher the chemist. And totally ignorant about insurance or biology is carbon cycle and. Sizewill should never have started up.
My American friend verified that a 30x1cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. As if her and the water molecules into heat light and X rays.
1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)
So you can heat A steam turbine boiler room to free steam at eight atmospheres 800° C. And generate a carbon 0 500 kilowatts of carbon zero power. We can convert into mains AC, and produce a carbon zero power for 60 houses.
Generating an annual income from the national grid of four million UK pounds. That's right the national grid pays us for carbon zero power.
We have no fossil fuel burn and utilised and produce no radioactive materials. Just heat light and X rays. From regular water! Which amazingly enough years high school physics.
Though my PH D supervisor within engine materials at Sheffield University, could not understand the physics. Presumably because he was taught it 20 years previously!
So to call the summer heat, we utilise our carbon zero electricity, to suck up seawater into fuel water vapour. And emit and or MS MS amount of water vapour over the sun baked land. Cooling are wetting the air!
This is so important for countries like India. Where a cooling pure water Mist Is so welcome!
A making use the idea in Chile, to wet and cool the hot dry eastern side of the country. So watering massive amounts of plant growth. Sucking in all that lovely carbon dioxide. To produce plant growth.
And he will obviously also want a former animals, to eat before extra plant matter, and their droppings will fertilise the ground. And also feed the growing global population.
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