Wet the Middle East
plants bobble up CO2 |
A steam plasma turns regular water into near unlimited heat! We have a little light and lower power X rays.
1 H₂O+PL→He+O+E²+L...X-ray at one atmosphere we get a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. From a 30x1.5cm the steam plasma. Burning just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year. Which would generate a constant 500 kW of carbon zero power.
Week in utilised family is free electricity, to drive vacuum pumps sited in the rain C or Mediterranean. Just 1 W of vacuum will cause 1 l of water to boil into water vapour a second.
We utilised 5 W to pump this water vapour up to five kilometres in shore. When we vent the low pressure the water vapour into the air, it forms a cooling mist. Which are my were minutes into rain drops which wet the earth.
We erect thin soil maps impregnated with grass seed. And the grass grows like mad! Sucking in carbon dioxide from the air. We can grow up feels of wheat, and sell the grain to a hungry world.
Transform the arid desert back into arable lash areas. We will need to cite tree seedlings in soil balls, at the field boundaries! To stop the new soil just blowing away. It might be a good idea to elevate the field boundaries.
And don't forget a we are sucking in carbon dioxide as the air! We can make Saudi are a mere carbonate neutral. But in actual fact global photosynthesis on land and sea, there is so free terrestrial carbon dioxide to just two parts per million.
The static level in the present epoch. And are static trace gas affects nothing! Carbon dioxide capped at 2 PPM.
Above the arctic ice In winter there is four PPM carbon dioxide in the air. At -50° C! Carbon dioxide tracks the natural weather, rising in the cold.
In the little ice age of the 18th century Europe was so never a to -20° C. And we are back to the Jurassic four PPM carbon dioxide.
The Jurassic there was a generally warm period. With three natural ice ages! 85% more active life. And in the warm. So sea levels were 60 metres lower, whoever made up global warming was a serious biological idiot!
Manmade climate change is nuclear science fiction, to cover B global cooling the nursing since 1995. Carbon dioxide around the temperate earth fixed at two PPM.
But now we can return the light arid desert, back to the lunch hour where it was in prehistory. Before man's makes management made the land become a desert.
In countries to two little sun light, we can erect a grid of steam plasmas. That Turner frighteningly tiny volume of water, into massive heat light and even X rays! There is no chemical source of X rays. And no source of nuclear radioactive decay.
We are doing what the late Professor Bernard Argent turned molecular nuclear fusion.
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