Free fresh water for the world

free water for life

Are mostly short around the world there is usually an offshore breeze.  Or in the sunny countries there is so much sunshine!

We drive a little weaned turbine or solar vacuum pump.  This sucks up sea or river water by one metre, and by definition the water boils into pure water vapour.  Losing all salts or contaminants.

We then pump the pure water vapour inshore.  As water vapour is 1000 times easier to pump and liquid water.  So a chain of solar vacuum pumps, will transport the water even into the dry interior of Australia.

As he vent the vacuum to the air, the water forms a fine cooling mist.  Which will fill the reservoir or tank.  Feeding an irrigation system locally!

We dredge up the seabed to get a new soil.  And would out there cells in the estuary water.  We then form the thin soil maps, impregnated with seeds.

In the dry interior we cite tree seedlings in soil balls to four though field boundaries.  And stop the new soil just blowing away!  We want to make the field boundaries to slightly higher than the field itself.

And all those lovely grass or corn, will grow like mad!  The warmest lovely fresh water and mist around.  The light which stimulates photosynthesis, passes straight through mist.

So we can irrigate the trial lands, and turn them into lush arable areas.  We can make Saudi Arabia carbon neutral - as all that extra plant growth, the sex in excess of carbon dioxide out of the air.

We increase global food supplies!  Making carbon dioxide in the short commodity around the earth.  All the extra plant life sucking it out in the air.

Today A photosynthesis on land and sea the use just a static two parts per million, carbon dioxide in the afternoon air.  Levels rise above the arctic ice In winter, air temperature -50° C.

Manmade global warming and climate change were devised by physics.  Fabricating nonsense for their paymasters with the nuclear power.  Totally ignoring biology is carbon cycle.

The most life on earth is supported by the carbon cycle!  They share the extra carbon dioxide is converted into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyl→(CₘHₙ+mO₂-E)+r(He+Lb+X-ray+O+E²)

So the r(...) Tells us the plants in light of doing nuclear fusion.  Which liberates massive energy!  Actually building the carbohydrate, CₘHₙ takes in energy.

This explains why nuclear power is so scared of biology and carbon dioxide!  Biology uses carbon dioxide to to clean safe and nontoxic nuclear fusion from water.

But now we can drop a snorkel into a river or the sea, and use one metre of vacuum will produce cure fresh water with no or contaminants in.

We King get into this act!  My American friend confirmed that are steam plasma does a plasma burn on water, which is twice as dynamic as molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P→2E²+L+X-ray 2E²= 1 MW of carbon zero heat

This will drive a steam turbine to freeze 500 kW of carbon zero electricity.  Using the just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.  And no fossil fuel burn!  Just carbon zero free electricity.

The produced knowledge radioactive waste of uranium nuclear power: the knees annual insurance cover after Fukushima of 100 billion a year.  That level of insurance is not available!

The United Nations is under the legal imperative to shut down every operating nuclear power plant on earth, welcomed over to plasma power - free carbon zero heat and electricity.


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